Are You Ready For Greatness? 

Getting to the heart of complex business challenges through a calm, compassionate approach to quickly align people and see tangible results.

Want to level up your business? Guide to Greatness® is a proven, highly-refined leadership and management approach focused around upleveling individuals, teams, and organization with a tech-enabled platform and expert-led facilitation. 

If you’re looking for tailored guidance and expertise to meet your unique challenges, schedule a complimentary 60-minute deep dive, and get a customized solution to simplify and solve for your business’s most pressing issues.


Are we a good fit?

Take the G2G Readiness Assessment to see how we can accelerate your organization’s impact and financial results.

Instructions: For each question, assign a score on a scale of 0 to 5, where 0 represents “Not a Challenge” or “Already Addressed,” and 5 represents “Significant Challenge” or “Not Addressed at All.”


  • Struggling to balance key strategic objectives with day-to-day operations?
  • Are you able to leverage your team members’ hard wiring to improve alignment and increase profitability?


  • Experiencing difficulty reaching or engaging your target audience?
  • Are your marketing efforts delivering in terms of brand visibility but not conversions?


  • Concerned about stagnant profit margins despite successful growth efforts?
  • Do you have a process to ensure your organization’s structure supports growth goals?


  • Missing the mark on work/life balance or clarity around team members’ expectations?
  • Do your team members feel as though they belong, are valued, and contributing in ways that create success for the business?


  • Are you struggling to meet customer demand?
  • Do you have a clear strategy to streamline operations and reduce wasteful processes?

Scoring Interpretation

  • 5 or less: You may have fewer immediate needs; however, we can provide valuable insights to accelerate your profits and impact.
  • Between 6 and 15: You have specific areas we can provide targeted assistance to address your challenges.
  • 16 or higher: You will significantly benefit from our expertise and services. Collaborating with Guide to Greatness® could help you overcome key challenges to achieve greater impact and financial success.


Looking for a
professional keynote

Whether your business is a growing startup, small to mid-sized, or a powerhouse in the Fortune 500, your organization is distinct and has its own distinct requirements. We offer a wide array of topics to address your specific needs. 

What is Organizational Greatness?
We believe Greatness is…

  1. The cultivation of an exceptional product or service that solves a problem or fulfills a need in the marketplace.

  2. The impeccable treatment of people within and beyond your organization.

  3. The expansion of your vision far beyond your organization’s boundaries.

In 2005, Guide to Greatness®, LLC was born on the heels of the remarkable success of Cyndi (Crother) Laurin’s first book, “Catch! A Fishmonger’s Guide to Greatness.” 

The reception of her debut publication catapulted her into the spotlight, igniting her passion to contribute to organizational greatness. That year, she graced nearly 70 stages, captivating U.S. and global audiences with her insights, fueling her desire to write more books and expand services to encompass consulting and mentoring. 

Over the years, Cyndi’s energy and expert facilitation in collaborating with her clients has left an indelible mark on leaders and businesses across the globe. Her unwavering commitment to helping individuals and organizations reach their pinnacle of Greatness remains at the core of her mission.

“It’s not your past, but the opportunities that await you that define who you are right now.” Cyndi believes every organization’s journey to Greatness begins from exactly where they are.

Armed with nearly 30 years working with for-profit, non-profit, and government agencies with certifications in LEGO® Serious Play, Core Value Index™ (CVI), and the MIND Methodology™, there is no better time to join forces with Guide to Greatness® to bring your people together, drive measurable success, and deliver tangible results.


What clients say about Guide to Greatness®

  • Cyndi is the magic dust that brings people together.


    John Abbruzzese

    Former President of Potomac Construction Industries

  • Cyndi, thank you for your presentation…thanks for sending the slides and for being the keynote speaker in Tuscon. I have been to a lot of conferences and have heard a lot of speakers – you are the BEST that I have heard. You’re definitely not ordinary…

    Debra Hebisen

    Quality Assurance Manager, Dallas Area Rapid Transit

  • Cyndi, This is a follow up to our very brief conversation after your dynamic keynote presentation at the ASQ World Conference on Quality. I was struck by the similarities of your message to our approach in developing a persona to one’s website. I am intrigued in how your philosophy can be translated to the Internet medium, which in essence should reflect the personality of the organization. Great job!

    Peter de Gosztonyi

    Managing Partner, Web-Insight

  • I had the pleasure of being a coachee in the Guide to Greatness ICE Program (Individual Career Excellence) with Cyndi Laurin over a period of three months. I found Cyndi to be disarmingly and genuinely gifted. Cyndi has a notable knack for asking “the perfect question” and compliments that knack with being a great listener. Cyndi is a profound thinker, possessing a rare skill in “Meta-thinking” – i.e. thinking about thinking. These skills, along with her background in organizations, quality, and “greatness”, give her a kind of power to go right to what matters. Cyndi’s perfect questions and apt homework assignments helped me obtain substantially greater clarity on both short- and long-term plans for my career and my business (including some crucial marketing matters) than before I had started to work with her.


    Entrepreneur, Kansas City

  • Cyndi, you have no idea how much you’ve become a topic of daily conversation in my life. My wife has so far read “Catch!” twice – the first time, right after I returned from the conference. I had talked to her on the phone about some of the concepts in your keynote and was very excited to have the book, so she read it over the next two days while I was working. It inspired some great discussions as I came home with my interpretation of what I had heard you say, and her going through the book and trying to apply it to our lives. She decided that she needed to read it a second time (I haven’t had a chance to get my hands on it!), and now phrases like, ‘It’s all over here” are common place (daily!) in our household. As well as a tie-in to “thinking about thinking” and intentionality and goals as a place to “go from”. Anyway, thanks again!

    Donald R. Smith

    Continuous Improvement Leader, Stevens Point Mill, Stora Enso

  • Cyndi, I continue to read your book (typically every so often and a pararaph at a time – I flip open to the perfect page for me at the time), and I am really enjoying it (and learning about/for myself from the sharings). Just wanted you to know that I appreciate what you did and am touched by it. That’s all….onwards to more good.

    Paul Michael

  • Hi Cyndi, I met you a few weeks ago at the California Council for Excellence Conference in San Jose. I just wanted to let you know how much I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your book. I am so inspired and committed to making those things that I want in my life happen. Your words have reinforced those principles that I have tried to keep in my life. I teach English as a Second Language and brought your book into my class to share with my students the ideas and philosophies. More than half wrote down the title and flipped through the pages. I am thinking about a trip to Seattle and see the market first hand – that’s how inspired I am. Thank you for this gift, Cyndi. I wish you success with your other books. Let me know when and where I can get copies. It’s so all over here!

    Alicia Wszekaki

  • Cyndi, I just had to take a six sigma class for work, and I was amazed at how much I already knew because you taught me so much. I actually retained the information. I thank you so much for that! I also thought it was funny that some of the material that they were using felt like it came from you or your research. I took your class just as you were finishing “Catch!” You would tell us about this small company that has a huge goal. It just happens to be … world famous pike place fish market. I was shocked to here them talking it about it, too, and then all of a sudden, we watched a movie about it. I could not believe it. I love my job, and I thank you so much for being a great teacher and teaching me useful things that I would really use!

    Scott Barton

    Program Cost Schedule and Control Analyst, Raytheon

  • Dear Cyndi, Thank you for all of your efforts around your presentation at our company meeting. You did a great job of incorporating real live “Nomacorc examples” into your presentation, and I found it to be quite motivating. Thank you for your extra effort in “getting to know” some of the Nomacorc people and processes and sharing your ideas with our associates. Thank you again, and I really enjoyed meeting you.

    Cindy Vice

    Chief Financial Officer, Nomacorc, Inc.

  • Hi Cyndi, Thank you for presenting at the World Business Capability Congress. I really enjoyed listening to you, and a lot of it resonated very strongly with me. “Pretty sure I’m a Rudolph” was the main thing I got out of it…I’m currently contracting as a Project Manager at one of NZ’s banks, but during my career I have jumped around jobs and industries trying to find somewhere I fit. I implemented quality management process into one company that had none, mainly because it made my job easier, and I could see that we had a real serious gap there….During your presentation, I was able to identify the [political structure] of our company. It seems that “AVTAR” is what we really need to implement to see results in my current project…I really DO need to get a copy of your book, and maybe you could give me a few tips on what I should and shouldn’t do in the meantime? I’d really appreciate it. Which book should I start with? Many thanks…

    Hanna Voss

    New Zealand

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